
Christine loves to hear folk playing music together. She has for many years loved watching what happens when those who play music sit together and create more than they might do by themselves. Sometimes what happens in the space in between is magical, sometimes beautiful and it is always worth finding out what happens.

After many years of working with children and helping them to find their own love of music, she is now concentrating on playing more and teaching less, and both sides of this give life to the other. Her teaching is now focussed on individual lessons with both adults and children in her studio. She teaches violin, piano, accordion and nyckelharpa. Every so often she gathers some pupils for an improvisation session, or a concert so they all have the opportunity to share their music making. Together with Lissie Bayford Christine regularly runs singing workshops in which all songs are taught by ear and the emphasis is on singing for wellbeing and enjoying ourselves!


Christine Adams Musician credit Kathy Skipp

On the journey Christine has found help in growing her own musical life from many others. Learning from Peter Knight at his Violin Masterclasses has been central to her ability to recognise that her relationship with music is essential, not only so she can help others by teaching, but also for her own self expression. Free improvisation has been a key part of this journey. Singing with Lissie Bayford has given her the gift of sharing music and songs in a way that draws the listener into the space where they can share what the song means to them. Asking Jonny Dyer for help in working out how to make the sounds she wants on the accordion was such a good thing, as his ability to spot what might need to happen to achieve the results she is looking for is a gift. To those and others, thank you.

Acc 2 Mike Keen (2)


Christine plays several instruments and these days is mostly playing violin accordion and nyckelharpa. She currently performs in the duo Christine Adams & Lissie Bayford www.adamsbayford.com,  plays for dances in the A2 Barn Dance Band www.a2barndanceband.co.uk,  and is to found improvising with Rachel Graff, www.rachelgraff.com/graff-and-adams in various venues. Previous projects have included, Bowjolie, playing for Swedish Dance with Chris Dyer (Sidmouth Folk Week, Gower Folk Festival, Dance Around the World, Eastbourne International Dance Festival) and Petits Bijoux in which she acccopanied France de la Cour singing French songs in and around Kent.

Christine Adams Nyckelharpa 1